W2 Adjustment Definition This gives you the ability to print on W2's any of the YTD amounts for employee adjustments (deductions, benefits, allowances), that may apply. If you DO NOT have any deductions or benefits such as pension plans, cafeteria plans or special situations that should be reported according to the IRS Instructions for W2 reporting, then you should have All FIELDS BLANK in this window. Preparation You should be familiar with your requirements as defined in the IRS Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 for the year being reported. It may also be helpful to consult with your accountant on your specific requirements for reporting, if you have ANY non-taxable deductions that apply to some employees. Setup To make a Y-T-D AMOUNT (must be greater than zero) of an adjustment for each applicable employee print on a W-2, put a "Y" in the box that applies for that adjustment. To print an "X" in a W-2 check box, put a "Y" in that column. The check box won't print if the YTD amount is zero. To make a code and an amount print, put the applicable code under Box 12. Note that some of these codes require the Retirement Box to be checked. If so, put a Y under that column. For most non-taxable deductions that you may wish to print on the W-2, you may need to put a - (minus) under the Box 1 column. This will cause this YTD amount to be subtracted from the Box 1 amount before printing. In other words, if needed, in order to get the correct wages to print, you may specify whether to add or subtract (enter - or +) from the W-2 Wages, or not affect them at all. You should examine the W-2's and the audit reports closely to be sure all amounts correct. Statutory Employees If you need to have the Statutory Box checked, put the word 'stat' or 'statutory' (upper or lower case) anywhere in the employee's INFO field. Printing 'Other' Amounts Box 14 (2001 W-2's) is for printing amounts that are not required on a W-2, but that you would like to show the employee. This could be for a benefit like matching 401k or health insurance you pay. If a Y is in Other, the adjustment short name and the amount (if not zero) will print in the Other box. Up to 4 different adjustments may be defined. If some amount not posted by the payroll needs to be displayed, you can take an unused adjustment and set it up as needed. For instance, maybe you wish to show how many miles a company vehicle was driven that year by particular employees. Take an unused adjustment and make the short name VMiles (or whatever you wish) in PR configuration, then manually enter the mileage into that employee's Screen #3 YTD amount for that adjustment. Then on this window we are currently over, put a Y in the Other column for this new adjustment just set up. Then all employees that you entered some mileage will have the description VMiles and the mileage printed on the W-2 in the Other box.