Historical Sales Comparison by Customer This report provides sales data for each customer. Essentially a selected month's sales and Year to Date (YTD) sales through that month for a selected year and the 2 previous years are printed. A percentage of increase or decrease of Latest YTD sales compared to the previous YTD sales is printed for each customer. The input is Order Entry invoice detail from the History file. Preparation Prior to running this report, you should have run a History Invoice Register (in the KISS Order Entry) for the date range desired (2 or 3 years), with 'Write to the OESHIPS file' = Yes. Be sure that you have archived the latest month and year you wish to run the report for. Note that at the top of this window, you may see when the OESHIPS was last created, and the date range used. Selections Period Ending: Using the drop down lists, select the Month and Year for the latest period. Note that the report totals the YTD sales up through the month selected. If you wish to see a full years sales you must select December, for instance. Report Controls Double Space: Uncheck Double Space for a single spaced report. Omit if NO sales last 2 YTD: If checked customers with zero sales the last 2 YTD will be omitted. (their last sale would be in the 3rd year column). However this does not mean they didn't have sales LATER in the year if running a month prior to December. Omit 3 years sales under [____]: If the combined YTD sales are less than the amount you specify omit that custormer. For SalesPerson [______]: If specified, only customers for that sales person are printed. Note - this looks at the salesperson field in the customer master file - NOT the saleperson on the invoices. A partial will work, match anywhere in the field and the case is ignored. For Customer Type [______]: If specified, only customers for this type are printed. Note - this looks at the Customer Type field in the customer master file. A partial will work, match anywhere in the field and the case is ignored. Order of the report The report will be in the order selected. HINT Before running the report, select the printer SaveATree. Then after the report is run, use 'View last report printed', to see if you got what you expected. If OK, then use 'Re-print Last Report', and send to your regular printer. You may run several combinations of settings, and preview the results this way.