Crop/Job Cost transactions There are four types of transactions: expense (costs), balance forward, estimate, and income. Balance forward and estimate transactions cannot be entered anywhere else other than this operation. Expense and income transactions may be entered from other applications (GL, AP, PR). Expenses For each Expense transaction the user is prompted for the crop/job number, the cost code to use, the date, the source or description of the expense, the invoice or reference number, the quantity used, and the amount of the expense. Balance Forwards Each cost code in a crop/job may have one balance forward transaction. Usually these are entered only when setting up an existing crop/job while first installing the Crop/Job Cost system. The total quantity used and total amount of expenses to date would be entered. If necessary to correct an existing balance forward, simply enter the correct amount. When performing File Maintenance on the transaction file (File | File Maintenance| Transaction file Rebuild/purge) an option may be taken for summarizing all expense transaction detail thru a specified date for each cost code into its Balance Forward transaction. If the Balance Forward transaction does not exist, one will be created. Detail transactions within the summarization period are removed and their file space is made available for re-use. Any crop/job with a status of N (No Balance Forward) are skipped during this summarization process , and will retain all detail. Estimates One Estimate transaction may be entered for each cost code. The quantity and amount estimated (or budgeted) for the completion of the crop/job is entered. This is added to the Estimate amount in the master record. A Crop/Job Cost report will show comparison of accrued expenses to the estimate for each cost code, if an estimate is present. Income amounts may be compared to estimates if desired. Cost tracking and accrual will function properly without estimates being entered. Income An Income transaction provides tracking and comparison to either accrued expenses or estimates. Multiple Income transactions may be entered for any cost code in the crop/job. For each transaction the operator must enter the date billed or received, a reference number and the amount billed or received