Change Part Numbers using an input list The format of the input text file for EACH line is: Old PN New PN New Main Desc New Extra Desc#1 New Extra Desc#2 New Extra Desc#3 Each field above must be separated (delimited) with a TAB character. Old and New PN's are required. Descriptions are optional. Missing or empty descriptions do not modify the master descriptions. However one or more blanks as a description will clear that corresponding description. If an Extra Descr #3 is present (above), it overrides inserting in the old PN , if checked. A proof run may be run any time concurrently with other users. For an Update run, you must be the only user accessing the inventory. It is highly recommended that a proof run is done first. Also it would be prudent to do a BACK UP before an update run. Old part numbers with components or Old Part numbers that are componants of a B/M will not be changed. If the old part number is already a cross-ref PN, it will not be changed. All values (ie on hand, reserved, on order, unit cost, etc are carried over to the new PN. A printout of all changes or exceptions is made for both the proof or Update run.