Input a text file of PNs and Counts The file may come from any program that can export an Ascii text file using field separators, such as tabs. Do not use commas as separators if item descriptions are in the file. This feature is useful for Cycle counts, where spot counts of groups (like categories) of items may be done. A way of doing this would be: 1. Use the Report Generator to print a quick report of a selected group of PNs. On the report could be the PN, description, category, and location if needed. Print this report to be used by those who will count the items. 2. Use the R/G Export a Text file option using the same report parameters, and Tab separators to make an export file. 3a. Use notepad to enter the counts, by editing the text file above, going to the end of each line, hitting the Tab key, then entering the quantity counted. OR 3b. Another way to enter counts, if you are familiar with a database or spreadsheet program, would be to import the the ascii text file from the R/G above, format it to enter corresponding counts, then export it into another ascii text file with just the PN and Count, separated by a tab (or acceptable character). 4. Then you use the textfile from 3a or 3b above, and input it into this window. Enter the path where it resides, and the positions in each line of the PN and Count fields, and the separator used. The file is then used to update each PN with their corresponding counts. Note that the order of the list is not significant, since the input is re-ordered by PN. Note that the same part # occurring more than once in the file, is treated as one occurance with the counts added together. This allows entering a PN more than once if it is in multiple areas and counted by different persons. They will automaticlly combined before updating. Otherwise all the rules apply in the help file for the previous window (Inventory Adustments).