Duplicate a Range of Crops with new Crop# Always BACK UP FIRST using the Zipped Daily Backup under the File/Utilities/Backup option on the Crop Cost menu, before running this procedure. This is useful for generating a new year of crops or blocks. The range of 0 thru ZZZZZZZZ will scan all crops. Only crop #'s matching the keyed chars in the "Selecting...." line in the exact character positions are selected for duplication. Blank character positions mean 'accept any'. Use the 'And the New # .." line to change characters at any position to form the new series of Crop #', Keyed characters will replace that position in the new number. Blank positions inherit those in the source Crop number. For example: Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select 0 5 New # 0 6 (Note - in case the above example does not line up, they are supposed to be under Pos# 1 and 2, the first 2 pos of the crop number) This will result in all crops starting with 05 getting duplicated into a series of crops that start with 06. The rest of the crop number characters would be unchanged. Copying Comments are optional and may be unchecked if not needed. Note these include the Info lines 1-5. So if these are needed, leave the box checked. Source Crops status are not changed. The new crop#'s are set to Active. All info except expenses and income are duplicated. Transactions are not copied. The Update run will stop for every crop# that is selected for Duplication, and allow you to accept, skip or cancel the rest of the run. The Proof run just scans and gives a total count of what you would get if you approved all duplications. If the new number is already in use, you are notified. It is impossible to generate a new crop# that is already on file.