Cost Codes Summary Cost Codes in general allow the setup of how the Crop Cost Analysis report will be printed for expenses that have been posted. Category totals provide for classifying expenses needed to be totaled by category at the end of each crop, and/or for all crops combined. Transactions cost codes define the stages or steps needed to produce the crop such as tilling, cultivating, pruning, harvesting, etc. They also control the sequences of printing expense detail of each crop in the Crop Cost reports. Phase Totals are dummy cost codes that allow defining subtotals for printing other than cost code totals. These phase totals may encompass multiple costs codes for grouping of stages or steps of production. Transactions are NOT usually posted to Category Definitions or Phase total cost codes. Another method of grouping cost codes for printing and totals is thru the use of Groups. See Edit C/C Group Table help for more info on Groups. Cost Codes Cost Codes (CC's) have a five position code which may be numbers or alphabetic upper case characters. Each CC has up to a thirty characted description. CC's are stored in alphabetical order and the Crop Cost reports print in cost code order for each crop. If using Cost Types the printing is in CC order within each Type. Cost codes, when entered sre automatically right justified using left zeros. For example if 2A6 is entered, it becomes 002A6. There are 3 kinds of Cost Codes, Transaction (for posting), Phase Totals, and Category Totals. Transactions codes are used for posting expenses, estimates and income. The other two are used for setting up for printing totals. Category Totals Catagories may be used to classifiy the kinds of expenses related to your business. Individual category totals may be printed for each crop and for all crops when printing the Crop Analysis Reports. THe fifth (last) digit of each cost code is the Category number. A Category is defined by adding a cost code of 4 zeros plus the fifth digit, which is the category to be set up. (1-9 and A-Z). This allows 35 catagories to be set up. Do not use Zero, since this is a catchall for undefined categories. Transactions would not normally be posted to a category cost code. Examples of Category Definitions codes are 00001, 00002, 0000F, and so on. Each will have its own 30 character description. When running reports on a category basis, all cost codes processed that end in the same fifth digit (category) are accumulated for printing as a category total for each crop and for report totals by category. Phase Totals A Phase Total cost code is defined by the word TOTAL as the first characters of the description. During the report run, whenever the cost code sequence being processed reaches the point of a Phase Total, sub- totals are printed for accumulations since the previous Phase Total, or the beginning of the report, whichever was last. Phase Totals may be placed at strategic places in the cost code sequence to get sub-totals of groups of cost codes. The fifth digit of the code does not need to be a defined category and may be used to place the Phase Total in the proper sequence. Transaction Cost Codes Transaction Cost Codes are used as the reference for posting of Expenses, Balance Forwards, Estimates and Income. The fifth digit of each cost code should be a defined category number if using the category basis of totals. Cost codes with undefined categories will be accumulated into the Zero Category. Note that a workable set of cost codes may be used WITHOUT setting up any cateogries if only cost code total reporting is desired. In that case use the fifth digit to control the sequence of the report. Also check out the Group Table setup, which will allow grouping of cost code for totals and various report orders. The first 4 digits of the cost code plus the category define the cost code and controls the sequence of the report. In general, if printing Detail, each balance forward or transaction is printed, while taking subtotals for each cost code. Summaries by cost code, categories, or groups may be run. The following is a sample setup to help understand what is explained above. Sample Cost Code Table * 00001 Labor hours - Regular * 00002 Materials * 00003 Piece work * 0000F Fuel * 0000O Labor - Overtime (5th digit is Oh, not zero) 00HV1 Harvest Materials 00HV2 Harvest Labor - Reg Hrs 00HV3 Harvest Piecework 00HVF Harvest Fuel 00HVO Harvest - Overtime Hrs ** 00HVZ TOTAL - Harvest TILL1 Tillage - Regular Hrs TILL2 Tillage - Materials TILLF Tillage - Fuel TILLO Tillage - Overtime Hrs ** TILLZ TOTAL - Tillage * denotes Category Total definition ** denotes Phase Total definition The codes defined with asterisks should not be posted to.