KISS Version 14.12 Upgrade

K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Software

Version 14.12 Upgrade (Dec 1995)

All the following improvements are contained in Version 15.12. When upgrading you always get the latest announced version.

General Ledger

Listing G/L transactions to the screen may be done either by NEXT screen or PREVIOUS Screen (limit of 100 previous screens). While listing, a single transaction may be selected to show all the G/L distributions done with that posting. The Budget screen now shows percentage of actual to budget.

The trial balance totals only may be displayed to the screen. Also the trial balance may be printed selecting specific digits of the account number.

The financial statements may be printed to a disk file, allowing them to be imported (in report format) into a commercial spread sheet or word processer.

Accounts Payable

Browsing to the Next or Previous vendor master screen is available. Any changes made to a master screen are automatically saved before displaying the next master screen.

A new Vendor status H (Hold) provides for skipping these vendors when paying all vendors within a due date range. Also an invoice may be put on hold by specifying a due date of 999999. The aging report may be run for all, hold only, or all other invoices.

When voiding a check that fully paid one invoice only for a Vendor, an option is given to cancel or to re-open the paid invoice. If canceled, the G/L accounts to reverse are requested.

A new vendor master screen field 'account number' will appear on the checks written for the vendor if the field is not blank. For example, this could be your federal employer ID to print on your withholding tax deposit check.

Mailing Labels or File Labels may now be printed. Label sizes are requested. Individual or All labels may be printed, with selection by status available.


When the first payroll of a quarter is run, a reminder is issued to clear the QTD amounts in case the clearing was forgotten.

Browsing to the Next or Previous employee master screen is available from any of the 5 master screens.

The Payroll Check register may be listed to the screen (last checks first). Selection by date range and employee number is available.

Draw checks may be printed, or cash draws recorded. The draw deduction and balance is printed on the check stub of regular or bonus checks, and is displayed on Screen #2 of each employee master. The draw history (draws and deductions) for all or individual employees may be displayed on screen using the check register operations. Cash or check draws may be voided.

Pop-up Calculator

The Pop-up Calculator may be accessed now at literally any prompt, even Y/N prompts. It also may be moved around the screen. When it is exited, the last subtotal is saved and may optionally be restored when the Calculator is popped up later.

Accounts Receivable

Mailing labels and File Labels may be printed. Label size is requested. Individual labels may be printed. For mailing labels the contact name may be omitted or printed, or a message may be printed instead. Minimum label size is 7/16 x 2 inches for file labels and 15/16 x 2 inches for mailing labels.


Each Inventory item has three additional description lines of 30 characters each. Each line may be individually designated for printing on an invoice, on a P/O, on both, or used as additional information only.

All the Physical Inventory programs are now standard (not R/W) and run much faster. Each item has the count and date of the last physical inventory, and is displayed on Master Screen #2. Tags for counting may be printed as a list on plain paper, or on continous form 4x6 or 3x5 cards. Counts may be entered into a tag file for printing and verification. The tag file then may be used to update inventory with a resulting report of old and new on- hand, value, and difference.

Order Entry

The automatic next invoice number has been enhanced to provide for a second series of automatic numbering using the Alternate Next series (AN option).

Printing of Sub-totals for groups of items on an invoice may be designated using a special Comment line 'SUB TOTAL'.

A sales tax report by state is available. It shows total sales, taxable sales, non-taxable sales and sales tax charged for each ship-to state based on the last Invoice Register run.

A Recap by Category sales analysis report may be run. For each category of sales, the sales amount, cost of sales, and profit margin are printed. These are also broken down by current date, month-to-date, and year-to-date.

Purchase Orders

The P/O Expected and Last Received Date has been enhanced to allow tracking for each line item on a P/O. The Expected Date may be entered (or changed) for each non-comment line. The Last Received Date is updated whenever line items are received.

When entering or editing items on a P/O, the on hand, on order, reserved, net available, last cost, and last receipt date are displayed for quick reference.

The P/O aging reports may now be run at an item number level.

R/W Quick Report Calculation Fields

This feature allows the user to define extra fields on a Quick Report which will print the result of a calculation between 2 other fields in a separate column on the report. Up to 5 of these may be added to each report.

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