Crop Cost Distribution Table Maintenance This Distribution table allows allocating multiple Crops and Cost Codes to a G/L Account Group. Each Crop/Cost code combination within a G/L Account Group is allocated a percentage of the group. Each Group must total 100% +- 1%. An option to distribute according to the table is made by keying on the expense G/L account number used in the A/P or P/R whenever expenses are entered. If the G/L account number is in the table, the operator may choose to automatically distribute to Crop Cost according to the table. This table is useful for allocating expenses that are usually spread over several Crops repeatedly at the same rates, such as foreman's wages or fuel. You may use a Group Code of up to 8 characters instead of a G/L account group. This allows selection of the 'dummy' group for distribution regardless of what expense G/L account is used.